1st Place Prize

All – Inclusive 3 days/ 2 Nights hotel accommodation at the Grand Palladium for 2 adults and 2 children up to 12 yrs

Grace Kennedy Foods Grocery Gift Basket

Runner Up Prize

All – Inclusive hotel day pass at the Grand Palladium for 2 adults and 2 children up to 12 yrs

Hi-Lo Food Stores Gift Certificate

How to enter

(1) Submit to leisureforpleasurecompetitions@gmail.com by Fri, July 3, 2020:

(i) The name and workplace (and contact details of the workplace, if you have it) of a nurse who is patient, caring, understanding, and goes beyond the call of duty

(ii) 3-5 sentences describing why you are nominating that nurse

(iii) Your contact information (name, age, email, tel#)

(2) The top 10 nominated nurses will be selected by a panel of judges. They will be asked to submit a brief essay in no more than 150 words answering the question: What are the qualities of a leading nurse and how have you displayed them in the course of your career?

(3) These essays will be graded by a carefully selected panel of judges using a list of objective criteria. Each nurse’s final score will be the average of her grades from all the judges.

(4) Pictures and brief description of the top 5 nurses with the highest scores will be posted to the social media platforms – Facebook@leisurejamaica and Instagram@leisure_ja for Leisure for Pleasure Holidays and Tours Limited for public voting.

(5) Public voting will take place from Sunday, July 12, 2020 to 5:00pm on Saturday, July 18, 2020.

(6) The Winner – the nurse with the highest amount of likes/votes on both platforms and the Runner – up, the nurse with the 2nd highest amount of likes/ votes on both platforms will be announced on Sunday July 19, 2020.


(1) Persons sending in entries must be Jamaicans 18 and over.

(2) Nurses nominated must be a member of the Nurses Association of Jamaica, and work in Jamaica. (3) Student nurses cannot be nominated.

(4) The nurse who gets the the highest number of combined likes/ votes on both Facebook@leisurejamaica and Instagram@leisure_ja will be the winner.

(5) The Runner-up will be the nurse who gets the 2nd highest number of likes/votes on both Facebook@leisurejamaica and Instagram@leisure_ja.


Prizes are not transferable or redeemable for cash and are redeemable only in Jamaica; competition may be cancelled or extended due to insufficient participation; entries may be used in our promotions on our social media pages and on our website; other conditions apply.

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